Housekeeping & Janitorial

Follow housekeeping in real-time through our VisBook task manager, creating a smooth connection between housekeeping staff and your reception. The cleaning staff can update the rooms’ status in real-time which reaches the reception team immediately. By virtue of this feature, guests will not have to wait until the afternoon to check-in into a clean and tidy room. Also, if the cleaning staff detects a broken light bulb or something else, they can quickly and easily notify the janitor through the VisBook app. Take a picture of the error, send it off and the maintenance staff will get a note and information on what needs to be addressed. A great way of assigning, tracking and completing tasks effortlessly for your employees.

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    Real-time updates

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    Easily controlled via smart phone or tablet

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A selection of our features

Restaurant Management

Brings efficiency to your restaurant's operations by harmonising all parts of the process.

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Point of Sale (POS)

Optimized POS procedure which speeds up your daily operations.

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VisBook Direct Booking Engine

Increase your direct bookings with a modern, tailored online booking framework from VisBook

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